Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Baby Envy

Great news (although a bit late at this point), Kate had her baby boy! Mom and son were both healthy, with Lucas clocking in under 9lbs. She rocked out the natural birth as planned, although she was fine with admitting she asked for drugs once or twice. I laughed pretty hard after hearing this, as it was followed by the immediate telling of her boyfriend's response:


He followed his strong syllable by telling the midwives that natural birth was all she's been talking about, and she's never said once that she wanted pain meds, blah blah. I don't know if it was his adamance as much as the threat to her previously unwavering plan that made him speak up, but the importance of following every detail of the almighty birth plan somehow dimmed in priority. As I suspected and feared myself, it often seems that no amount of research is more convicting than the intensity of your body opening like a wormhole to another dimension.

If not for the fact that she couldn't imagine the plight of being wheeled up to labor and delivery on a gernie (she'd have needed to be transferred from the birthing center to the hospital), survey says she would have won out. No matter--you can still chalk it up to womanly determination--that baby had a good-sized head. Ya done good, Mama.

Frank and I brought dinner out to their new family over the weekend, and we all had a great time eating, laughing and passing around this adorable little baby.
Look at that sweet faaaace!

He was so cute, and had that perfect little squish to him. Too much skin, like a new puppy, and so soft. Even when he fussed, I couldn't get enough. I started to feel a strange kind of jealousy, I think mostly because I'd rather snuggle a baby than have my back hurt for another three months, but also because of the general wonder of it all.

She's had him for a little over a week, and already she knows the best ways to soothe him. She's determined to do all of the best things for him, and has already taken great strides in doing so. She's a full-blown mom.

Seeing the transition from super impatient, uncomfortable, pregnant Kate to I-have-no-problem-eating-dinner-while-holding-a-baby Kate really got me psyched to get through the summer and on the other side. I can't wait to marvel at the fact that the one who was constantly kicking me in the gut is finally here in front of my eyes--really does look like his dad, likes to fall asleep on me, and actually needs me in order to feel safe.

In the meantime, I'll just have to get my kicks by hanging out with this smashing mom and son. Not such a bad interim fix. Congratulations Kate (and Pat!)

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