Monday, June 4, 2012


So, as I referenced months ago, Frank managed to score us 2 tickets to the Radiohead show in DC, which was yesterday. After my early afternoon, 3-hour nap, we got ourselves showered and dressed to head out to DC. The first band went on at 7:30, and since we left the house around 3:30, we had time to stop for one of these little beauties:
On any other day, this is a rainbow snowball...but today, this is an In Rainbows snowball.

After icy treats, we hit the road, making pretty good time to DC--about an hour. We found $15 parking not far from the Verizon Center, and went to this cool BBQ jam for dinner. Getting into the arena with a paperless ticket (you swipe the card you used to purchase tickets online to get into the show) was a bit confusing, not only to us, but I think to most people who work at the Verizon Center as well. We did however manage to get in, after beginning exactly where we started the giant loop we were gradually directed in--luckily we were still plenty early, and the weather was flawless, so no harm.

I became very excited, very quickly. Frank and I were all about getting t-shirts to commemorate this very special event, and I made sure to pick one out that I could wear all summer.
It's really hard to take a picture of yourself in a t-shirt (I'm wearing it right meow), and I don't want to walk upstairs where there's a mirror. You get the idea--it's a mirror image of the word RADIOHEAD printed on a fifty-percent organic cotton t-shirt. Pretty awesome. Worth at least the 40 bucks I paid for it.

Seriously though, I really like it.

I went to the bathroom, we got to our seats.

We got waters and popcorn, I went to the bathroom.
The opening band came on, I got antsy about not having enough to eat for Radiohead's whole set.
I got a pretzel, I went to the bathroom (and awkwardly held the pretzel with my chin).
Time elapsed: 45 minutes.

The openers (Caribou) finished up their 5 song set, and before long, Thom Yorke and his gang of alternative geniouses took the stage!

 They were awesome--I'm SO glad we went.

I managed to stand (and shimmy and shake and bounce and bop) for what I would guess equates to half to two-thirds of the show, but let myself sit for songs I wasn't super attached to, or that were slower. This was a necessary evil that took more willpower than just standing probably would've.

Back in my day, not so very long ago, I would've never dreamed of buying assigned seats for a show like this. I wouldn't have just been shimmying and bouncing--I would have been JUMPING for entire songs and screaming my head off in-between numbers...but that was then.

The big initial reminder that I needed to take-er-easy came during the first song of Caribou's set. Theo turned into a little rock as soon as the bass kicked in. He was all balled up in my belly! At least we know that he can hear--or...that he could before the concert.

I was already sitting at the time, so I quickly muffled my bump with my jacket and the two t-shirts that Frank and I bought. His startled little body loosened up in less than a minute, but I still kept the buffer there until Radiohead started up, and thankfully, he seemed to like that much better. Good boy.

The second big reminder actually came after the fact--today to be exact. I think I got a little to riled-up during Bodysnatchers, and my round ligaments are maaaaa-ad. I was a little grumbly this morning, but ugh, by about 3pm I could barely walk! I had to take some Tylenol to relieve the ache in my belly. I mean, I've been to a concert or out dancing and been sore before, but this was just alarming.

I did contemplate calling up the midwives juuuust in case, but...I didn't. The Tylenol helped just fine, and the pain was really only in my sides. I like to discount and tough-out most things that ail me, which may or may not be smart with a bundle inside me, but I'd like to think I'd know the difference between symptoms of dancing too hard and preterm labor.

I'd do it again--and I think Theo would too.

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