Monday, April 16, 2012

Pumped for the Bump

I'm 15 weeks now (I'm realizing now that I wish I'd labeled some of these posts by weeks for reference), which as I said means that I'm feeling MUCH better, eating a larger amount and wider variety of foods, and by MY standards, starting to show!

Now by "show", I mostly mean that I can't suck it in anymore. There's still a lump even if I try to make my ribs show, which I really wouldn't recommend you do if you have a lump like that. It's uncomfortable. I wear cute little dresses that I think make it look more like I'm pregnant, but most people haven't really seen it yet (which I keep telling myself is because of how well I've dressed my slowly expanding body with looser wears).

The first one to notice was today, and it was my precious, precious, 14 year-old tutoring student.

--Oh my GAWD, you're SHOWING.
--[surprised] You think??
--[huge eyes]OH MY GOSH, I'm sorry if you're offended, I CAN'T BELIEVE I said that to you.
--Haha, Actually I'm kind of glad you did--no one else has really said anything, and I was kinda thinking I am too.
--I'm SO SORRY, do pregnant people get offended when you say that? because it's not like you look fat or anything it just kinda looks like you're pregnant."
--[Laughing] "REALLY--I'm not offended, don't worry. I don't know if that offends pregnant people or not...Just don't tell them they look huge."

And we continued to eat melon and strawberries her housekeeper had cut up, and I laughed somewhat tentatively while she vocalized that "16 and Pregnant" once in a while makes her want to have a baby for about 15 seconds because the babies are so cute.

[big eyes]"but not really, I mean I DO NOT want a baby."

I slowly nod with approval before she adds, "But have you ever seen when two ugly people have a baby, and they always have like, the most beautiful, perfect baby in the whole world?"

I laugh awkwardly, as if I have no idea what she's talking is a totally random comment, but I've seen it once or twice. Babies are just little miracles, there's no two ways about it.

...We conclude by deciding that she can just play with my baby instead.

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