Thursday, April 19, 2012

A new kind of Baby Fever

Frank and I decided to have fun looking for baby bedding online last night. This started as a normal exercise, and ended in frenzied coos and squeals of adoration, which had to be forcefully put to an end so that someone (...carla) would eat dinner.

There was a set that we saw and liked a lot from Jill McDonald called Adorable Dinos. It's cute, but here's the cutest part of it (that I want no matter what theme of nursery or gender of baby we have:


Could you just SCREAM?! It's so freakin' cute!!

We continued to search Amazon, and became underwhelmed after a while. That's when Etsy came along, and filled my mind with the whimsy of handmade blankets, bumpers, letterpress decor, and the rest of the stuff that my perfect baby daydreams are made of.

I largely have a problem with little boy bedding sets, and that problem is the color brown. (see adorable dinos link--how big does that ugly terd-border have to be?) Why baby colors and brown are put together so frequently, I can't begin to imagine. I don't need my kid's room to help bore them, or me to sleep. (I'll have motivational posters for sleep aids--read on.) I know it's trendy, and I'm sure many of you reading find it completely acceptable, which is completely fine...UNLESS you're coming to my baby shower.


By the way: I don't know if I'm having a boy or a girl. I just can't stop looking at the boy stuff--mother's intuition?? We'll find out May 16th!

Here is by far the cutest robot baby bedding I have seen on any corner of the internet.

It's shown on a toddler bed, but it's for a crib also. You have the option of another fabric on the underside, which I think I would go for--perhaps a solid--check out the blankie.

Observe the complete lack of brown. Moy Bien. Also, there is quite a presence of all awesome colors, which leave the door open for some fun solid color accenting...what's that? You'd love to see what I have in mind??! WELL.

Here are those posters I mentioned.
I love these. They're hand made, in all the colors I love, and should whip my kid into shape in no time.

Baby hay-fever continued the next day after a trip to the allergist. I innocently waaaaandered into Target, for nothing in particular--first stopping at the Liz Lange Maternity stuff (while making sure I wasn't getting any funny looks from the fitting room counter), then meandering past the shoes, and finally arriving at the ominous and foreboding baby aisles.

It's a really strange thing to feel as though you're playing hide-and-seek with your future identity. "They say" (If I had a nickel for every time I've said that while relaying newly-acquired baby knowledge) that moms become moms when they're pregnant, right? Well if I were they, the timeline would be a bit more complicated than that. I don't know at what point exactly I'll be able to own it (my guess is right before I give birth to #2), but as excited as I am, I almost feel I haven't earned it yet. Maybe I didn't throw up enough or something.  Anyway, back to the show:

From the main aisle, I plant my feet so I can glance over the baby care lotions and soaps, even going so far as to lean forward slightly, without actually moving closer. I rest back on my heels, look casually up and down the aisle, and take a large, slinking step to my left. I'm in.

I mentioned the small eczema patches on the back of my knees to my allergist, who reported that I should get some good moisturizer, and perhaps some 1% hydrocortisone cream, both of which would be quite safe for my pregnant self. On top of the fact that (believe it or not) I'm actually getting slightly more comfortable in baby-specific shopping areas, I also decided that Johnson's Baby Lotion was a reasonable thing to shop for without necessarily having a kid, so I remained comfortable enough to stay and browse. After a few sniff tests, I chose shea and cocoa butter.

After the initial pickup, I became a bit more brazen--still skipping the breast-pump aisle, but staying to oogle the blankies and baby clothes.
Found these first--ROBOTS. whimper whimperrr, so cuuute--12 month size. I flip between the four (blue, stripey, robo-print and yellow) over and over, sending pictures to Frank and hoping he'll encourage me to buy them.

It's at this point that I realize I have a very deep need to buy something, and I decide that this something should be for a newborn. I kind of had this feeling where I wanted to be the one to buy the first little outfit for my (80% sure-to-be) son.

Hello there, newborn-baby cuteness...if only there were something unbearably adorable to go with you...

Ahh! There it is.

After much internal struggle, I resist the bibs, but inevitably give in to the set of 3 monster onesies (only $8.99--anyone that knows me knows I can't resist a unit price of five dollars or less [$3 per onesie! Trouble ahead!])

I carried the onesies and the lotion to the checkout line, along with a 6-pack of paper towels (select a size, duh), and a can of speghettios with meatballs. I love Target.

Feeling quite happy with myself, I went home while my blood sugar proceeded to dip. Upon returning home, I found the lid of our trash can tossed carelessly in our BEAUTIFUL flower bed (full of wilted tulips), and proceeded to stomp and curse until my speghettios were heated, and it was all happily-ever-after from there. All laundry-and-facebook-and-feeding-the-turtle-carrots-and-Pandora. Nice day.

1 comment:

  1. I just found the quilt robot fabric at Hobby Lobby on the internet and it is on sale. Do you know what the black backing fabric is? And What do you have in mind??
