Monday, May 7, 2012

B for Boston

We went on a trip to Boston for a friend's birthday/5 year dream to be realized. She's been wanting to go to Boston for a weekend trip since we were all in school, and FINALLY, someone else planned it. We all gradually showed up to meet her in Beantown--pulling off the surprise for our very smart, fairly inquisitive friend in what I would consider the best secret plan I've ever been involved with.

Some flew, some drove--Frank and I took a Megabus. Haaaaaa. As one could assume, the most difficult parts of this trip were both the beginning and the end--a crowded and stressful beginning, and a grand finale that involved fireworks (aka vomiting). Regardless, we're going to focus on the positive here, because luckily, there was much more of that. After the 9-hour busride ended at 5:45am:

We (slept in the hotel lobby and then) toured Fenway Park,
toured the Sam Adams Brewery, (here is us after the tour--we are extremely tired from traveling and walking all day, not drunk.)
NAPPED (important, but not pictured)

And went to the O's/Sox game at Fenway that night!

It was OUTSTANDING. And that was just Friday.

Saturday morning, we followed this guy around Boston for WAY longer than we should have:
And hung out at a bar for Cinco de Mayo!

And YES, that is my delicious beer...which I had 2 of.
Non-alcoholic beer :)  [you may also notice a small, festive sombrero on my head.]
Which I drank with THIS:
A fluffernutter (peanut butter and fluff for you noobs) with banana and homemade kettle chips. Oh man, so delicious.

So as you can see, I was able to pull this all off in fairly normal strides. I may have sat about twice as much while walking, snacked about five times more, and peed about ten times more than anyone else in the group, but darnit, I showed the world that I'm pregnant, not dead! GO ME!

It was AWESOME to go on a trip with some old friends, explore some new stuff, and catch some baseball. My kind of weekend.

Of course, this trip would not be possible without the cart-spotting, water-feeding, shoulder-offering and bag-handing insight of the world's greatest husband. Together, we managed to keep the blood sugar level, the bladder at ease, and the Redsox at the bottom of the rankings. GO US!

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