Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Frank is the SWEETEST! I woke up on Mother's day to this spread out on our dining room table:

For those of you who can't quite make out the crayon--here's a better look:

My first thought was--AWWWWW.
My second thought was--well at least we caught the dyslexia early.
My third thought was--dang--this must've happened while I was sleeping! Well done Frank...well done.

The day was beautiful and sunny--we went to church, and then made our way downtown to Canton Dockside for a half-dozen crabs on the deck! YAY!!

Fun fact: If you're pregnant, you can eat crab, just don't eat the mustard. If you don't know what "mustard" is, then you clearly aren't worried about eating Maryland crabs anyway.

What sunny Maryland afternoon is complete without some Ritas! That was our next, impromptu stop, as we listened to the Orioles struggle through a game (but eventually win!) on the radio. After-effects here:
He bleeds orange too--GO O's!

So we made it home, and I had to work on a special, secret project--results of which I can show you in about 3 months. While I did, Frank whipped up a special dinner "a la" when we first met--Scallops with this delicious homemade balsamic sauce, topped with corn and cherry tomatoes--my favorite Frankie dish! (I only got a picture of it after I ate most of it, and it didn't look great, so just use your imagination.)

It was really nice to be treated special on Mother's day. I can't really say I was expecting much, if anything until Frank tipped me off during the week, but I'm very thankful that he was thoughtful enough to do everything he did. By the way, here's my belly, starting to pop!

What I really think after almost five months of being pregnant, is that if you're making daily, hourly decisions based on the well-being of your child--guess what? No one else is doing that. And after your kid is born, what are you doing day in and day out, but the same exact thing? As soon as you start taking those conscious actions, you are a mother, and anyone who says differently has never been where you've been. If it counts outside your body, it should count double inside--you feed it, keep it warm, talk to it, hold it, and love it just as much, whether you're throwing up at four weeks, or happily holding your baby in your arms at fourty-four weeks. That's how moms work.

Fellas--buy your lady some flowers, and say you're sorry that you get to stay the same size. Tell her she's beautiful. Admit to being relieved you don't ever have to give birth. Kiss her belly and say hi to your kid. Thank her for farting in the other room. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, but since she's already a Mom, there's no reason you can't already be a Dad, and the three of you can't already be a family. You're so much more important than you realize to the equation, even now.

Happy Mother's Day.

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