Monday, February 13, 2012

Snacking Spree

So Sunday was a fairly lazy day.

Started out by not going to church. I threw up, and Frank was obsessively looking for a new house for us to move into over the Summer. After we got that out of our systems, there was scuffling around the house to finish odd ends of laundry and dishes, followed by us passing out in bed again until about 4pm. I'm making a baby, and Frank's been dealing with me yelling about how he smells all the time, so we were both pretty tired.

Upon waking, we decide to go to Costco to stock up on snackypoos for Preggers. I feel sick in the car, rush inside for a wedge of doughy, cheesy pizza and a bottle of water. Frank eats the cheese because my hormones don't want it, and we're back at full recovery and in action.

I actually gagged at the sight of a 4 foot by 6 foot hotdog on the wall of the store (which I realize may not far off for non-pregnant people..). My mom says she couldn't even look at pictures of most food through her pregnancies. She'd turn over magazines to avoid them. I thought it was weird, but I'm starting to get it.

Also, the pickle thing is real. Something about the sour salt is oddly relieving. I thought I was projecting pregant stuff on myself the first time I had one this week, but I've been back to the pickle jar more than once since then. A giant jar was one of the first things in the cart.

Along with the pickles went Goldfish, some snack bars, dried cherries, granola, cashew squares, juice, seltzer, tons of cheerios, whole grain pasta, and baby bags of popcorn! (Not FOR the baby. Well..kind of for the baby.)

Over an hour and 100 bucks later, we headed back home to catch up on our select Hulu after-the-facts. A solid 2 hours of that, and I was ready to pass out drooling on my Hubbo. Seriously. Fact: It was reported this morning that Frank actually woke up because of the puddle of drool on his back in the middle of the night. A gross, but common-enough-to-be-in-What-To-Expect side effect of buns in the oven. I had no idea, but I'm like Pavlovin' 24/7.

Here's a picture of our newly dubbed "snackie table". Complete with ziplock bags.

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