Monday, February 13, 2012

Preggo Progress

You're not getting a picture of this one, but currently my most comfortable underwire bra is losing its most comfortable status. Even when I'm standing up straight, that thing has its work cut out for it. I heard they get bigger and bigger through the whole 9 months. I know some people get pumped (<-haha) about this, but I was comfortable with my C-cup. Very comfortable.

Also, I have been Marty Farty to the max lately. WHATEVER, YOU SHOULD KNOW. If you're reading this, I probably care enough about you that you should be warned. After bloating all day, I feel almost second-trimester, and sound like a tuba now that I'm home.

Word is slowly starting to sneak out, even though we figured we should go to the doctor first. It's just SO HARD not to say anything!! But the way I figure, there are plenty of people who I would tell the whole shabang to if things went south, regardless as to whether they knew in the first place, so we might as well be excited now.

As worried as I could be, I'm trying to keep it to a minimum. Whatever goes on is nothing we can't handle with prayers and support, and besides, I am super optimistic about this baby. I'm GONNA HAVE A BABY!! I hope it's a girl. I told Frank I'd be happy either way, and I ABSOLUTELY would, but... I'd like a little girl <3.

Eating heart raviolis with my honey tonight (I didn't eat the red one--just for show). OH! AND Rutabagas for the first time. They are a consistency between potato and beet, and a flavor between a golden beet and cauliflower. Needs salt and pepper to be palatable.

Tomorrow is our 2nd Valentines Day, and the last one we will spend without spending on a babysitter. We have dinner plans, and may also make glittery valentines for one another after breakfast. Sounds like a winner :D

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