Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cheesecake Emergency

I'm sitting home by myself, on a day when Frank is usually off from work. He is covering for a co-worker today, but will have a short day compared to most. It's almost time for the "I'm on my way home" call, when I get the "I'm gonna have a beer with my buddy" text instead. HUMPH.

Now I'm not the type to hoard my husband all to myself--usually. It's not so much a matter of jealousy in terms of shared time with man-friends--today I am feeling another form of jealousy. I literally can't go out and chill on a drink or two with my friends. As cool as I am with going out with people at bars and stuff, I think I'd have a hard time initiating it.

"Hey you wanna go out for happy hour and drink club soda? I mean, you don't have to drink club soda, but, heh, you know--I'll be drinking club soda. You don't have to feel weird, drink all the beer you want...oh you're busy? Dang. Maybe another time."

So I gave Frank the "cool, have fun" return text, and began to pout. I wanna go have a beer with MY friend. I was hit with an unearthly urge to escape the confines of the house.

Well, since I can't get a beer, I'll go to the Cheesecake Factory, and I'll eat a WHOLE piece of cheesecake, and then talk about how good it was, but very casually, like it was no big deal.

I looked around for my keys, planning on calling my friend Natalie on the way out the door, when I remembered something that RUINED EVERYTHING. NOOO-HO-HOOOOOO

I flung my flip-flips at the wall in fury, and ploped heavily back on my bed with my arms crossed.

I text Natalie instead, knowing I'll sound weirdly angry if I try to verbally ask her to go out.

Car: Wanna get cheesecake with me?
Nat: Haha sure! Where?
Car: Cheesecake factory in Columbia
        I'll buy you whatever you want if you come pick me up
        the keys to my car are in Frank's cupholder.. in baltimore
        And he's having a beer with someone and I can't do that so I want to have a cheesecake with MY friend

Natalie has another chuckle, and graciously agrees to show up after her current load of laundry. We had a lovely time, and had some lovely cheesecake.
I personally had some Godiva chocolate cheesecake, which I was too focused on eating to remember that I would post about it later. It looked way better at the beginning. But either way, great decision. Worth bumming a ride and picking up the tab. Thanks Nat!! :)

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